Tag Archives: Escort

Independant Escorts Screening for Safety

One of the most important things an Escort Assistant/Booker must do is screen potential clients.  There are lots of screening/review sites on the Internet.  For example, The Erotic Review, Preferred 411, ECCIE and RS2K are great places for screening.


You need to see what potential clients are like.  You don’t want your Escort to get injured.  So, finding out what they are like is essential before you book an appointment.  Some of these review sites can be contacted directly, but most of  the time you’ll need to contact escorts who have met you potential client in the past.

It is not recommended that you accept any references from escorts who are affiliated with agencies.  The references basically all come from an assistant who works for the company.  And, often the information is of little use because it does not reflect what actually happened between the client and the escort.

Again, it is so important to get quality information so that you can safely screen potential clients.  It may surprise you, but many clients prefer the strict screening that is often involves as it adds a layer of protection to them also.